About | Positively Pam
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Pam's Story


Hello, I'm Pam, and I'm delighted to welcome you to my lifestyle blog, Positively Pam. This is your invitation to step into my world, where I'm dedicated to sharing the wonders of yoga practices, the power of mindset tips, the art of manifestation, best food (restaurants and recipes!) and the secrets of wellness. My mission? To inspire you to embrace a life filled with positivity.

My Wellness Journey:


My love for yoga began over five years ago, and from the very first week, I knew I wanted to become a yoga teacher. For me, the heart of yoga lies in its philosophy, and I believe in infusing those teachings into our daily lives to find peace both on and off the mat.


Initially, I frequented my local studio, practicing vinyasa and yin yoga five to six days a week. While I cherished the experience, I often felt lost when my yoga teacher used terminology that was unfamiliar to me as a beginner. This sense of disconnection led me to take matters into my own hands, and I decided to embark on a journey of self-discovery through a yoga teacher training program.


Enrolling in that program turned out to be the best decision I ever made. It granted me a deep understanding of yoga that went far beyond what one could typically find in a studio. Most importantly, it opened up the world of yoga philosophy to me, and I've been eager to share its wisdom with fellow yogis who may not have had the chance to explore this profound aspect of yoga.


Today, I offer an online, self-paced course called Mastering Yoga Off the Matdesigned to help individuals integrate yoga philosophy into their everyday lives.


Beyond yoga, I'll be sharing insights on mindset, wellness, and food. Additionally, my shop features a curated collection of printables and digital downloads, all carefully crafted to amplify positivity in your life.


Join me on this journey through real-life experiences. I'll be sharing my personal challenges and how I've overcome them, with the hope that my experiences will inspire and benefit you on your own path to positivity."

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