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How To Motivate Yourself (even when it's hard!)

A Guide to Unleashing Motivation

Let's face it – we all encounter moments when motivation seems elusive, especially when venturing beyond our comfort zones. In this blog post, we'll explore a transformative approach to finding motivation through the lens of yoga, specifically delving into the practice of Tapas, a dynamic concept within the 8 Limbs of Yoga.

Understanding Tapas

Tapas, derived from the verb "Tap" meaning to burn, metaphorically represents the transformative intensity of the fire element. Often translated as self-discipline, passion, and perseverance, Tapas is a Niyama, part of the second limb of yoga that delves into the internal aspects of one's being.

It empowers you to work towards personal goals, lighting the "inner flame" that fuels your motivation and propels you past obstacles.

Find Your Why

When motivation wanes, it's crucial to examine your current decisions. For instance, if you're striving to eat healthier but find yourself reaching for ice cream nightly, dig into the underlying reasons. Reflect on your habits, identify triggers, and ask yourself why these habits persist.

Creating a list of daily habits, differentiating between positive and negative ones, can be eye-opening. This process helps you uncover patterns and understand the motivations behind your actions.

reflecting on yourself by journaling

Overcoming Obstacles

Identifying the reasons behind certain habits allows you to confront obstacles with commitment and self-control. For instance, if the nightly craving for ice cream is an obstacle, staying focused on your long-term goal helps build resilience.

Don't Force Motivation

Practicing Tapas doesn't mean forcing motivation. If a goal brings only misery, it's essential to reassess its significance. True self-discipline should evoke a joyful willingness to pursue goals, not a sense of absolute misery.

woman at peace with herself

Make a Plan

Crafting a plan is instrumental in building expertise and overcoming bad habits. Start small, gradually increase challenges, and acknowledge that the journey matters as much as the destination. This process aligns with the 10,000 Hour Rule, emphasizing the importance of consistent practice for mastery.

planning your goals

To Wrap it Up

Embrace Tapas as a tool for self-discipline, guiding you toward your goals with a fiery motivation. As you embark on this transformative journey, remember that practicing yoga off-the-mat can be a game-changer for your goals and overall lifestyle.

Explore deeper insights and practical applications of yoga philosophy with my course, Mastering Yoga Off-the-Mat. This comprehensive guide is designed to empower you with the wisdom to seamlessly integrate yoga practices into your daily life. Ignite your inner drive, prioritize your goals, and enjoy the fulfilling journey towards lasting change.

Remember, with the right mindset and dedication, you have the power to accomplish your goals. Unleash the potential within you, and let Tapas be your guiding flame on this path of self-discovery and transformation.

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