Courses | Positively Pam
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Mastering Yoga Off the Mat
An Online, Self-Paced Course

🌟 Are you ready to elevate your yoga journey beyond the mat? 🌟

Unlock the secrets of yoga philosophy with this transformative online course, perfect for yogis looking to incorporate yoga into their everyday life.
Yoga on Beach
Unleash Your Inner Yogi
What if you could...


  • Immerse yourself in the transformative power of yoga WITHOUT breaking the bank

  • Master the essence of yoga WITHOUT committing to a lengthy teacher training

  • Infuse the wisdom of yoga SEAMLESSLY into your daily life

🤔 Maybe you...

  • Find yourself overwhelmed by yoga studio terminology

  • Struggle to incorporate yoga into your daily routine

  • Love yoga but sense something is missing off the mat

  • Experience the contrast of feeling great on the mat, but flustered in everyday life

💡 What if I told you it's possible to infuse yoga into your life:

  • WITHOUT a hefty financial investment

  • WITHOUT dedicating extensive time to learning

Image by Matteo Di Iorio

🔍 Discover the way to master yoga off the mat:

  • No need to invest thousands in a traditional teacher training

  • Save hours on research with our comprehensive course

  • No prior yoga knowledge required

👩‍🏫 I understands your struggles:

  • Felt the love for on-the-mat practice but lacked peace and happiness in every day life

  • Experienced the challenge of maintaining a yogic mindset in the real world (even if I felt great with on-the-mat practice!)

After studying, I:​

  • Discovered the transformative power of yoga philosophy

  • Became confident and happy with myself

  • Felt calm and connected with a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me

I've been through what you're feeling and I’ll show you EXACTLY what I learned within
my training!

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📚 What's included in Mastering Yoga Off the Mat:

  • In-depth education on yoga's wisdom and philosophy

  • Exposure to enlightening Yoga Sutras

  • Better understanding of your internal and external world

  • Clarity on how to apply yoga philosophy in your daily life

... AND so much more!

Meet Your Instructor

Hi! I'm Pam, your Yoga Teacher, Online Course Creator, and the visionary behind

  • Embarking on my yoga journey in 2019 at a local studio, I instantly fell in love with the practice. Beyond the physical postures, I delved into yoga philosophy, discovering its transformative power beyond the mat. Infusing these teachings into my daily life brought peace and clarity as I found a deeper understanding of myself and the world around me -sparking my passion for sharing yoga philosophy.

  • Driven by a desire for others to experience the profound shifts I encountered, I crafted Mastering Yoga Off the Mata do-it-yourself course designed to guide you towards the enriching "yogi lifestyle."


Join me on this journey of self-discovery and transformation!

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  • 100% self-paced online learning for flexibility

  • Hours of engaging video and audio lessons (over 20 lessons!)

  • Thought-provoking worksheets and journal prompts

  • Handy cheat sheets to demystify yoga terminology

  • PLUS 2 bonus modules for an enriched experience

🎓 The course features:

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🌟 By the end of the course, you will:

  • Possess yoga teacher-level knowledge

  • Confidently infuse yoga into your daily life

  • Step into the yogi lifestyle you've been craving

Mastering Yoga Off the Mat:

  • Over 20 Lessons on Yoga Philosophy (Valued at $199)

  • Journal Prompt Worksheets (Valued at $47)

  • 2 BONUS Modules (Valued at $87)

A total VALUE of $333, but you can get

Mastering Yoga off the Mat for ONLY $27 today!

** Yoga studios typically charge $120/month on average ($1440/year)! This course is a fraction of the price and filled with knowledge you won't find in your typical yoga studio! **


"Everyone could benefit from this course, whether you are a certified yoga teacher taking a yoga teacher training, or simply looking to expand your knowledge on yoga philosophy"


– Sarah K., Yoga Teacher
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Welcome to Mastering Yoga Off the Mat

  • Introduction to Mastering Yoga Off the Mat

Module 1: Introduction to Yoga​

  • Lesson 1: What Yoga is Not

  • Lesson 2: What Yoga Is

Module 2: The 8 Limbs of Yoga:​

  • Lesson 1: What are the 8 Limbs of Yoga?

  • Lesson 2: Yamas and Niyamas

  • Lesson 3: Asana

  • Lesson 4: Pranayama

  • Lesson 5: Pratyahara

  • Lesson 6: Dharana

  • Lesson 7: Dhyana

  • Lesson 8: Samadhi

Module 3: Yamas​

  • Lesson 1: Ahimsa

  • Lesson 2: Satya

  • Lesson 3: Asteya

  • Lesson 4: Brahmacharya

  • Lesson 5: Aparigraha

Module 4: Niyamas​

  • ​Lesson 1: Saucha

  • Lesson 2: Santosha

  • Lesson 3: Tapas

  • Lesson 4: Svadhyaya

  • Lesson 5: Ishvara-pranidhana

BONUS: Introduction to Chakras​

  • Lesson 1: Introduction to Chakras

BONUS: Meditation Practices​

  • Lesson 1: Meditation Practices

  • Lesson 2: Counting the Breath

  • Lesson 3: Increasing Awareness of the Heart

  • Lesson 4: Pausing in the Breath Cycle

This Course is For...

  • Beginner yoga students eager to enrich their understanding of yoga

  • Intermediate to advanced yogis craving insight into yoga philosophy

  • Any yoga enthusiast seeking practices to embrace the yogi lifestyle

  • Those in search of a swift guide to yoga philosophy

  • Individuals intrigued by delving into the realms of yoga philospphy

This Course is NOT For...

  • Yogis well-versed in yoga philosophy 

  • Those uninterested in off-the-mat practices

  • Yogis solely focused on posture (asana) practices


When does this course start and finish?

This course starts right upon enrollment and never ends! It’s a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish. You will have lifetime access!

How long do I have access to this course?

You will have lifetime access to this course! After enrollment, you will have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like!

Is there a recommended time frame on completion?

Yes! Personally, I recommend taking a lesson a day with 1-2 days off a week. This allows you to really take the practices of each lesson into the day without jumping into the next lesson too quickly.

I’m not a beginner yoga student, is this course still for me?

If you still don’t know much about yoga philosophy, then yes! I highly recommend taking this course if you’re interested in applying yoga off the mat.

Will this course have any updates?

I am always learning more about yoga, so if I feel the course can be updated with more information I will add it in and you will automatically get those updates!

Does this course have any yoga practices on the mat?

This course focuses mainly on off the mat practices, but there are some recommended practices for on the mat scattered throughout the course.

Do I need any prior knowledge on yoga to take this course?

No! This course is for students that are beginners to yoga or yogi's who are interested in learning more about off the mat practices!

What format is this course delivered in?

This course is broken down into 4 Modules, PLUS 2 Bonus Modules. Most lessons include presentation slides as I go through each lesson. There are PDFs of worksheets and cheat sheets included throughout the course

Please contact for any further questions.

This Course is Non-Refundable

This course is non-refundable. I’ve tried my best to make this a very affordable course for yoga students that includes several yoga philosophy teachings.


Before purchasing this course, I highly encourage debating if you are willing to do the practices. Remember, I am giving the information and practices for you to implement into your life, but it is up to you to actually apply them!


*Results are not guaranteed because they depend on YOUR application of the course material.

🚀 Elevate your yoga practice beyond the mat.

Enroll in Mastering Yoga Off the Mat now and embark on a journey to yogic enlightenment! 🌟

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