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  • Writer's picturePam

Learning How To Be With Yourself

A Review on The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz

In Don Miguel Ruiz's profound work, "The Mastery of Love," the spotlight is on the transformative journey of self-love. The key message is clear: as you cultivate love within, it becomes a force that extends outward, empowering you to love others unconditionally and become a true master of love.

Ruiz delves into the crucial aspect of being comfortable with oneself. He addresses the common tendency to "numb" inner pain through various means, such as alcohol, drugs, or excessive eating. The author's vivid example illustrates how, when you don't like yourself, you carry that discomfort wherever you go. The need to escape self-judgment leads to seeking external distractions, creating a cycle of avoidance.

The narrative takes a poignant turn as Ruiz explores the dynamics of self-destructive behaviors and the company we keep. He suggests that those with similar struggles are drawn together, forming connections based on shared frequencies. However, as one embarks on a journey of change, leaving self-destructive habits behind, the social landscape shifts. Friends may resist the transformation, interpreting it as a rejection. The individual is faced with a choice: embrace personal growth and enter a new realm of self-acceptance or succumb to the familiarity of the old frequency.

Now, I invite you to contemplate your own experiences:

- Do you find yourself "numbing" to avoid facing your true self?

- Have you recently transitioned into a new frequency of life?

- Do you embrace solitude, or is there something keeping you away from self-reflection?

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