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What are the 8 Limbs of Yoga?

When most people think of yoga, they will most likely think of yoga poses. But, did you know that there are actually 7 other limbs of yoga that aren't taught in your typical yoga studio? In today's blog post, we are going to dive into what the 8 Limbs of Yoga actually are.

If you're interested in delving into the 8 Limbs of Yoga and integrating them into your daily life, be sure to check out my course, Mastering Yoga Off the Mat. This course will guide you in living a happier and healthier life and has been a transformative experience for my students, profoundly enhancing their yoga practice!


Yamas are ethical principles in yoga philosophy. They are guidelines for how individuals should interact with the world and others, promoting a harmonious way of living.

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Niyamas are ethics that focus on personal observances and practices that promote self-discipline and spiritual growth. They compliment the yamas by guiding individuals in their internal conduct.


Asana refers to the physical practice of yoga. It promotes physical health, flexibility, balance and strength. It helps prepare the body for meditation by reducing physical distractions and promoting overall well-being.

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Pranayama involves the regulation and control of breath. Pranayama techniques include various breathing exercises designed to enhance respiratory efficiency and calm the mind.


Pratyahara involves withdrawal of the senses from external objects and distractions, turning the focus inward. It helps practitioners detach from sensory stimuli and creates a state of inner awareness.



Dharana involves concentration or focused attention, where the mind is directed towards a single point of focus. The practitioner fixes their mind on a specific object.


Dhyana refers to meditation. It is characterized by a continuous, unbroken stream of awareness toward the meditation object. The mind becomes calm and free from distractions.



Samadhi represents a state of profound meditation, where the individual goes into a state of enlightenment. The practitioner lets go of ego and the material world.


The 8 Limbs of Yoga provide a comprehensive framework for achieving a balanced, fulfilling life both on and off the mat. By understanding and integrating these principles, you can cultivate inner peace, physical health, and a deeper connection to yourself and others. Enroll in my course, Mastering Yoga Off the Mat, to embark on this transformative journey. Through guided instruction and practical applications, you'll discover how to seamlessly weave these ancient teachings into your everyday life, leading to lasting positive change. Join us and take the first step towards a happier, healthier you!

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